Why Do Research?
Quotes from Students
I chose Dr. Park for my mentor after learning about the basics of swallowing in her Anatomy and Physiology course. The topic sparked an interest in me, and I wanted to learn more about dysphagia. Completing my independent study definitely allowed me to look further into an area of interest I had and gave me important clinical tools I need to be a future speech-language pathologist.
Kaylee Sienza, B.S. ’17, M.S. Class of ‘19
Participating in and completing research during my Au.D. has been an influential part of my journey. Being a member of the Hearing Loss Prevention (HLP) Laboratory has opened doors for additional scholarships and grants and helped prepare me for externship interviews. I truly believe I would not be the clinician I am today without the research experiences I was able to complete with our HLP Lab team.
Natalie Rothbauer, Au.D. Class of ‘20
Faculty Research Interests
Clinically-focused research provides the evidence base necessary for the development of best practices in treating communication disorders. Our faculty in audiology and speech-language pathology have diverse research interests corresponding to a wide range of clinical specialty areas. Current and prospective students are encouraged to learn more about opportunities to participate in research projects at Illinois State University.
Antony Joseph
- Hearing Loss Prevention
- Geriatric Audiology
- Audiologic Rehabilitation
Scott Seeman
- Listening Effort
- Cognition and Hearing Loss
- Electrophysiology
Shraddha Shende
- Hearing Loss and Cognition
- Age-Related Hearing Loss
- Event-Related Electroencephalography
- Speech-in-Noise Recognition
Speech-Language Pathology
Ciera Lorio
- Caregiver Coaching
- Early Intervention
- Language and Literacy
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jamie Smith
- School-Age Language Outcomes for Medically Fragile Children
- Feeding Challenges
Jean Sawyer
- Stuttering
- Counseling
- Cultural Diversity in CSD
Jennine Harvey-Northrop
- Adult Neurologic Communication Disorders
- Cognition and Aging
- Cognitive Wellness and Intervention Programs
- Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation in Speech-Language Pathology
McLoddy Kadyamusuma
- Adult Neurologic Language Disorders
- Multilingual Aphasia
- Multilingual Aphasia Assessment
Taeok Park
- Dysphagia
- Swallowing Disorders
- Swallowing and Aging
Amy Yacucci
- Autism
- Literacy for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs
- Communication Accessibility
State Your Interest
Are you interested in exploring research options in CSD? If you already know who you’d like to work with, contact them directly via email or by visiting their office. Not sure who you should work with? Complete the information below, and we’ll match you with a faculty member who may be able to support you in identifying research opportunities.