Dr. Scott Seeman
Associate Professor, PhD, CCC-A
Communication Sci & Disorders
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
500.001Independent Study Communication Sciences & Disorders
401.001Methods Of Research In Speech Pathology & Audiology
351.001Aural Rehabilitation
511.001Electrophysiological Techniques In Audiology I
212.002Hearing Science and Audiology
Teaching Interests & Areas
Hearing Science, Psychoacoustics, Anatomy and Physiology, Electrophysiology, Research Methods
Research Interests & Areas
Psychoacoustics, Auditory perception in noise, Listening effort, Psychophysical indicators of stress
Ph D Speech and Hearing Science
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
MA Audiology
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
MS Ecology
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
BS Biology
Denison University
Granville, Ohio
New Faculty Initiative Grant
Illinois State University College of Arts and Sciences
Alumni Grant for Graduate Research and Scholarship
Ohio State University
NIH Disability Supplement
Ohio State University
Diversity Fellowship
Ohio State University
Oustanding Student Award
Akron Regional Speech-Language & Hearing Association
Book, Chapter
Friberg, J. C., Visconti, C. F., & Ginsberg, S. M. (Eds.). (2021). Evidence-based education in the classroom: Examples from clinical disciplines. SLACK Incorporated.
Smaldino, J., & Seeman, S. Introduction to hearing aids and amplification systems. Ray Hull (EDs), Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation. Plural Publishing (2013)
Smaldino, J., & Seeman, S. (2014). Introduction to hearing aids and amplification systems. In R. Hull (Ed.), Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation, Second Edition (pp. 69-83). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Journal Article
Seeman, S., & Harvey, J. Cognitive Hearing Science: Clinical Implications in Audiology. Lujan (EDs). Online Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology 6.5 (2024): 16.
Beck, A., Verticchio, H., Seeman, S., Milliken, E., & Schaab, H. (2017). A mindfulness practice for CSD undergraduate and SLP graduate students: Effects on stress, self-compassion and perfectionism. American Journal Speech-Language Pathology, 26, 893-907. doi: 10.1044/2017_AJSLP-16-0172
Harvey, J., Seeman, S., and vonHapsburg, D. (2017). Dual task, Noise, and the Speech-
Language Pathologist: A clinical guideline for adult multitasking intervention with noise. Perspectives, 2(SIG 15):32 doi:10.1044/persp2. (Invited Manuscript)
Language Pathologist: A clinical guideline for adult multitasking intervention with noise. Perspectives, 2(SIG 15):32 doi:10.1044/persp2. (Invited Manuscript)
Beck, A.R., Seeman, S., & Verticchio, H., & Rice, J. (2015). Yoga as a technique to reduce stress experienced by CSD graduate students. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders,42,1-15.
Seeman, S., & Sims, B. (2015). Comparison of psychophysiological and dual-task measures of listening effort.Newly Published on November 3, 2015. doi:10.1044/2015_JSLHR-H-14-0180
A DEIB Dialogue– Current Issues. Audiology Now. American Academy of Audiology. (2024)
Microaggression Experiences in Individuals with Hearing Loss. Audiology Now. American Academy of Audiology. (2024)
Seeman, S., & Harvey-Northrop, J. (2021, November). Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation in Cognitive Hearing Science: Clinical Implications in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington D.C.
A subjective assessment of listening effort. Audiology Now. American Academy of Audiology. (2019)
Listening effort and cognition across the lifespan. ISHA Annual Convention. Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association. (2019)
Comparison of performance for two commercial DPOAE devices in quiet and in noise. Audiology Now. American Academy of Audiology. (2017)
Ou, H. & Seeman, S. The use of Computer-Based Standardized Patient Cases for Doctoral Students in Audiology. University-Wide Teaching & Learning Symposium, Normal, IL, January 2017.
Harvey, J., & Seeman, S. (2015, November). Listening Makes My Brain Hurt: Noise & Dual- Task in Older Individuals With/Without Hearing Loss. Convention of the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
Yoga as a Stress Management Technique for CSD Graduate Students. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference. ASHA. (2014)
Effects of Masker Envelope Fluctuations and Temporal Uncertainties on Overshoot. American Auditory Society Annual Meeting. American Auditory Society. (2013)
Grants & Contracts
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Student Series at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC). Civic Engagement Award Co-sponsored by Senior Professionals, the Center for Civic Engagement at Illinois State University and the State Farm Foundation. Local. (2022)
The Use of Computer-Based Standardized Patient Cases for Doctoral Students in Audiology. CTLT. Illinois State University. (2016)
Pre-tenure Faculty Initiative Grant: Heart rate variability as an objective measure of listening effort. College of Applied Sciences. Illinois State University. (2013)
New Faculty Initiative Grant. College of Applied Sciences. Illinois State University. (2011)
Alumni Grant for Graduate Research & Scholarship. The Ohio State University. Other. (2008)