Dr. Amy Yacucci
Assistant Professor
Communication Sci & Disorders

FH Fairchild Hall 215f
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- Research
Amy Yacucci, CCC-SLP, is an assistant professor at ISU specializing in AAC, autism, severe/profound disabilities, literacy, and school-aged language, with extensive experience in clinical and educational settings.
Current Courses
460.001Augmentative and Alternative Communication
299.001Independent Honor Study
299.017Independent Honor Study
287.009Independent Study
287.099Independent Study
400.006Independent Study
400.099Independent Study
321.001Language Disorders
291.011Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Communication Sciences Disorders
Teaching Interests & Areas
Autism, school aged language, articulation, phonology, literacy, written language, AAC
Research Interests & Areas
School age Language, autism, literacy, AAC
EDD Special Education
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
MS Speech-Language Pathology
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
BS Speech-Language Pathology
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
Civic Engagement Award: March 2024- The Eckelman-Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic Team
Illinois State University
Award for Continuing Education (ACE)
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
The Impact Award
ISU Office of the Provost and University College
Living Our Values Award
Illinois State University
Award for Continuing Education (ACE)
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
Faculty Member of the Month
Award for Continuing Education (ACE)
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
Award for Continuing Education (ACE)
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
Journal Article
Wence, B., Lorio, C., & Yacucci, A. (2024). Shared book reading experiences for young children who use augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 9(4), 1102–1118. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_persp-23-00230
National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association- presentation to student group regarding AAC. NSSHLA Meeting. (2023)
Yacucci, A., Yacucci, M., & Lee, N. (2023). A bigger table: Inclusivity in GIS. Presentation at annual NSGIC Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Reading Outcomes for Individuals Who Use AAC: A systematic review. ASHA National Conference. (2022)
Promoting literacy for individuals with complex communication needs who use AAC. CSD Department. (2021)
Central Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association- presentation of “Mainstream Tablets as SGD- Considerations in Decision Making”. CISHA Meeting. (2018)
Clinical Educators- ISU: presented proposed changes and templates for use within PNC for Medicare documentation and reimbursement. CE Meeting. (2018)
Unit 5 School District SLP- presentation “The Autism Program of Illinois State University- Speech-Language Services”. Professional Development for Unit 5 Schools. (2018)
CSD undergraduate and graduate students- presented how to use BoardMaker for language, speech sounds, visuals, and AAC. CSD Department. (2017)
Clinical Educators- ISU: presented use and training of SmartBoard language-based lessons. CE Meeting. (2017)
McLean County Unit 5 School District SLP- “Clinical Education and Supervision: Competencies for Effective Clinical Supervision”. McLean Co Unit 5 School District Professional Development Series. (2017)