Dr. Taeok Park
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Taeok Park (she/her) is an associate professor and director of the Swallowing Research Laboratory in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Her specialty is swallowing and swallowing disorders. Her research focuses on temporal and biomechanical characteristics of swallowing and the development of preventive swallowing exercises for swallowing disorders.
Current Courses
420.001Feeding and Swallowing Disorders In Infants and Children
400.002Independent Study
155.001Anatomy And Physiology Of The Speech, Swallowing, And Hearing Mechanism
155.002Anatomy And Physiology Of The Speech, Swallowing, And Hearing Mechanism
299.007Independent Honor Study
287.007Independent Study
210.001Neurobasis Of Speech, Language, And Hearing
210.002Neurobasis Of Speech, Language, And Hearing
291.005Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Communication Sciences Disorders
Teaching Interests & Areas
Anatomy and physiology of speech and language, medical speech pathology, dysphagia, neurosciences,
Research Interests & Areas
Physiological characteristics of normal and disordered swallowing, developing intervention strategies for dysphagia rehabilitation, prevention approach of swallowing disorder in older individuals
Ph D Communication Sciences and Disorders
MS Speech-Language Pathology
Poster Presentation Award
Professor of the Year
Research Initiative Award
Seed Grants for New SoTL Scholars
Professor of the Year
Ph.D. Scholarship
Editor’s Award for Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP)
Student Research Travel Award
Journal Article
Kim, S., Choi, Y., Park, T., & Kim, Y. (2023). Airway protection in children with dysphagia: A preliminary study. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Disorders, 32(1), 85-90.
Deckelman, C., Caldwell, R., Kim, Y., & Park, T. (2022). Differences of laryngeal closure during the swallow between stroke and head and neck cancer survivors. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 7(1), 1-6.
Kim, Y., Williams, B., Park, T., Oommen, E., & McCullough, G. (2021). Effect of age, gender, and consistency in normal swallowing. Journal of Speech-Language, & Hearing Disorders, 30(2), 69-75
Deckelman, C., Kim, Y., & Park, T. (2020). Oropharyngeal transition during swallowing between stroke and head and neck cancer survivors. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 5(4), 1-6.