Rene McClure
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
J. Rene McClure, M.S., CCC-SLP is a clinical educator in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Rene completed her undergraduate degree and master's degree at ISU and then took her first job in New York working with adults with Traumatic Brain Injury. After two years in New York, she moved to Chicago working in a neuro-rehabilitation setting. She has been at ISU working in the speech and hearing clinic since 1999. Her interest areas include the adult population: neurogenic disorders, traumatic brain injury, stuttering, down syndrome, accent modification.
Current Courses
115.001Human Communication: Speech, Language, And Hearing
115.003Human Communication: Speech, Language, And Hearing
291.004Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Communication Sciences Disorders
MS Speech-Language Pathology
BS Speech-language pathology
Impact Award Nominee
Red Tassel Chapter Mortar Board, Inc- Faculty Appreciation
Teacher of the Year
Who's Who Among Teachers
Teacher of the Year
Journal Article
Experience For Nursing and Speech- Language Pathology Students: Program Implementation. Journal for Research & Practice in College Teaching, 2(1), 1-25.